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Postpartum Hair Loss | Causes, Home Remedies and Treatment.

Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss is a common condition that many new mothers experience in the first few months after giving birth. While startling, it is a normal occurrence related to shifting hormone levels and is usually only temporary. Understanding the causes, preventive strategies, and treatments for postpartum hair loss can help new mothers cope with this challenge during the transition to motherhood.

What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss?

Postpartum hair loss is linked to the changing hormone levels that women experience after pregnancy. During pregnancy, elevated estrogen levels cause more hairs to stay in the growth phase, leading to fuller, thicker hair. Once the baby is born, estrogen levels quickly drop back to normal pre-pregnancy levels. This hormone shifts triggers sudden hair shedding or thinning a few months later as more hair follicles enter the resting phase.

Some specific factors that can contribute to postpartum hair loss include:

– The natural drop in estrogen and progesterone levels post-delivery

– Lower estrogen disrupts the normal hair growth cycle for many women

– Hormonal fluctuations continue while breastfeeding and as normal cycles resume

– High levels of shedding hormones like prolactin

– Stress hormone changes related to new motherhood demands

– Thyroid issues that commonly emerge after giving birth

– Nutritional deficiencies in iron, zinc, protein during breastfeeding

Any woman can be affected by postpartum hair loss due to these hormonal and nutritional shifts. Those with a history of temporary hair shedding following prior pregnancies are especially prone as well. The diffuse thinning typically begins around 3-5 months postpartum but improves over time.

How Long Does Postpartum Hair Loss Last?

For most women, postpartum hair loss begins to slow around 6-9 months after delivery once hormones rebalance and the normal hair cycle gets back on track. However, time frames vary based on factors like:

– How significant the initial hormone fluctuations are – wide swings often cause more shedding

– If any thyroid dysfunction develops requiring treatment

– The nutritional shortfalls are addressed through diet, supplements

– If any illnesses or stressors delay rebalancing

– Natural predisposition for temporary shedding based on genetics

Many women see noticeable improvement around 9-12 months postpartum. But the entire hair regrowth process takes time. It can often take up to 2 years to fully return to normal thickness and appearance after the onset of postpartum hair loss. Patience is required while the hair transitions through growth phases.

What Does Postpartum Hair Loss Look Like?

Postpartum hair loss can vary in appearance. Some common manifestations include:

– Increased overall shedding – up to 300 hairs lost per day compared to the normal 50-100

– Noticeably decreased hair density all over the scalp

– Wider part lines and the ability to see more scalp skin surface

– Hair feeling and looking thinner with less body

– Shorter regrowth hairs that stick up and seem finer in texture

– More hair accumulation in hair brushes and drains

– Significant loss around the hairline or temples in some women

In most cases, postpartum hair loss resembles a diffuse overall shedding rather than distinct bald patches. But the excessive loss is often alarming for new mothers already dealing with many changes.

Are There Any Risk Factors for Severe Postpartum Hair Loss?

Most women experience some degree of postpartum hair shedding, but severity varies. Factors that can increase risk for excessive hair loss include:

– History of other forms of hair loss like alopecia areata or androgenic alopecia

– Extreme hormone fluctuations or thyroid dysfunction

– Very stressful childbirth experience or traumatic complications

– High levels of physical or emotional stress as a new mother

– Major shift in dietary habits or nutritional deficits

– Postpartum depression or anxiety interfering with self-care

– Some medications like blood thinners, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers

– Medical illnesses or conditions like autoimmune disorders

Women prone to hair thinning from genetic or health factors tend to see greater impact from the postpartum transition as well.

Will Postpartum Hair Loss Lead to Baldness?

Despite the often dramatic shedding, postpartum hair loss itself does not cause permanent balding or hair loss. The excessive shedding is a temporary response to the hormonal transition and reverses over time. However, for those predisposed to a condition like female pattern baldness, the hormonal changes can unmask or trigger the genetic tendency for thinning along the part or hairline. This is not directly due to postpartum changes but develops coincidentally.

Does Postpartum Hair Loss Happen After Each Pregnancy?

It is common to experience some degree of postpartum hair shedding after each pregnancy. However, first-time mothers often notice it more. Some factors that influence severity after subsequent pregnancies include:

– The interval between pregnancies – back-to-back pregnancies allow less time for full recovery

– Any underlying medical issues like thyroid imbalance

– If nutritional status has changed for better or worse 

– The extent of postpartum stress and fatigue

– If similar self-care habits are followed to promote regrowth

With each successive pregnancy, many women learn to expect some temporary shedding. Being prepared can make coping with it easier.

Can Hair Loss Start During Pregnancy?

The most significant hair shedding normally occurs a few months after childbirth. However, some women may notice thinning hair or increased loss while still pregnant. Potential reasons include:

– Nutritional deficiencies surfacing as demands on the body increase

– Escalating stress levels later in pregnancy

– Thyroid issues arising during pregnancy

– Certain medications like blood thinners or beta blockers

– A shift toward the resting hair phase even before estrogen drops

– Undiagnosed conditions like anemia or autoimmune disorders

If excessive hair fall occurs during pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor to identify any underlying causes requiring treatment.

What Can Help Prevent or Reduce Postpartum Hair Loss?

While some postpartum shedding is expected, certain steps can help reduce severity and promote faster regrowth. Suggested preventive approaches include:

Address Any Nutritional Shortfalls

– Take prenatal vitamins with higher iron, zinc, folate

– Eat a balanced diet with enough protein for hair tissue

– Stay hydrated and avoid restrictive diets

– Take iron, zinc, biotin supplements if blood tests indicate deficiencies

Manage Stress Levels

– Make time for self-care amidst baby care responsibilities

– Employ stress relief techniques like yoga, meditation, counseling

– Get support from family, friends, or new parent groups

– Treat any postpartum mood disorders like depression, anxiety

Stimulate the Scalp

– Massage the scalp daily to increase blood flow

– Use fingertip pressure when shampooing and conditioning

– Try hair oils like rosemary, peppermint, or castor oil

– Use silicone shampoo brushes when washing hair 

Be Gentle with Hair

– Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on the scalp

– Let hair air dry instead of heat styling

– Use soft scrunchies instead of rubber bands

– Switch to a wide-tooth comb and silk pillowcase

Taking a multi-pronged approach helps minimize hair loss and speed up regrowth.

What Treatments Help with Regrowth for Postpartum Hair Loss?

Once postpartum shedding begins, using treatments that support the hair growth cycle can help curtail thinning and encourage new regrowth. Options to discuss with a dermatologist include:

Minoxidil Solution

Minoxidil 2% or 5% solutions promote growth by improving scalp circulation and lengthening the active growth phase. It requires twice daily usage for at least 6 months.

Ketoconazole Shampoo

Anti-fungal ketoconazole shampoos help reduce levels of hair loss hormones like DHT from the scalp when used a few times per week.

Low Level Light Therapy

Phototherapy devices use laser comb or cap technology to deliver therapeutic light that rejuvenates hair follicles.

Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP therapy injects a serum of concentrated growth factors from the patient’s own blood into the scalp to stimulate regrowth.


This oral medication blocks androgens and may help postpartum loss in those prone to female pattern thinning.

Treatments work best when started soon after shedding increases. A combination approach is often most effective.

When to See a Doctor for Postpartum Hair Loss

Consult a doctor promptly if:

– Shedding seems excessive or worsens over time

– Hair loss is focused into bald patches instead of diffuse thinning

– No improvement occurs even 1 year postpartum

– Hair loss is accompanied by scalp irritation, inflammation, or pain

– You have other unexplained symptoms like rapid weight loss

A dermatology evaluation can assess if an underlying health condition is contributing and help develop a customized treatment plan.

Conclusion and Recommendations: Postpartum Hair Loss Recovery

With patience and proper care, most women see their hair regain its former density within 1-2 years after the onset of postpartum shedding. Supporting the normal hair regrowth cycle and addressing any factors prolonging excessive shedding helps hasten recovery. But the process cannot be rushed. Continued gentle care will promote the best outcome over time.

For those who continue experiencing hair loss a year or more postpartum, visiting a doctor is advisable to check for underlying issues needing treatment. Conditions like thyroid disorder or autoimmune disease may require management.

With the right perspective and care approach, postpartum hair loss can be a temporary detour on the journey to restored hair health after pregnancy. Though challenging, most find their hair ultimately recovers fully.

Kelsy DeMelo

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