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Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss? We Review the Evidence

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss

The kidney and liver form creatine from reactions of amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. Meat and dietary products contain excessive amounts of creatine. According to research in 2017, experts claim that the use of creatine supplements in medicines, sports, and exercises is quite safe and efficient. The article Does creatine cause hair loss provides an evidence-based review of the literature. That is present in the effects of creatine supplements on

  • Recovery
  • Strength tolerance
  • Aging
  • Exercise training and rehabilitation
  • Injury prevention
  • Pregnancy

Creatine is a very important nutritional and sports supplement. However, many reviewers ask an important question: Does creatine cause hair loss? The answer to this question is that creatine maybe not directly linked with baldness and hair loss. However, it may cause hormonal imbalance due to which these effects arise.

Read this article to the last if you are interested in knowing the creatine hair loss myth, creatine hair benefits, whether creatine increases DHT, if it causes bloating, and how to prevent hair loss while taking creatine.

So let’s start reading article for more information about creatine.

Creatine hair loss myth:

The article exposes the main creatine hair loss myth. Where people from their personal experience say that creatine causes hair loss. While there is no scientific evidence present supporting this myth.

However, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is linked with hair loss. This can be a cause of hair loss because of the hormonal changes due to creatine but does creatine cause hair loss is not scientifically proven.

In 2009 research was conducted, using a creatine supplement on their patients where they found that the level of testosterone doesn’t change with the usage of creatine. However, they see a dramatic change in the increase of DHT hormones which are responsible for hair loss.

Moreover, researchers still need to investigate whether an increase in DHT due to creatine can actually cause hair loss or not.

Creatine hair loss

How creatine works:

Your liver, kidneys, and pancreas produce creatine, which is basically a source of energy for your cells. Moreover, the intake of creatine from foods like meat and fish can be very beneficial for your health.

Your body’s muscles store creatine, and it breaks down during workouts. When you consume creatine products, your muscles produce more creatine. Due to this, your muscles may be able to produce more energy and you will feel energized.

Due to this reason, athletes take creatine supplements to increase their muscle mass. So that they can achieve and maintain their athletic performance. Creatine supplements are easily available in the form of powder, liquid, and tablet forms. That you can purchase from the nearby medical store.

Side effects of creatine: Does creatine cause hair loss?

The article “Does creatine cause hair loss?” explained very clearly that creatine can have an impact on hair loss, along with other side effects that people asked about, such as weight gain caused by creatine.

We discuss some side effects in detail below if you want to use creatine,

1: Water retention: Does creatine cause hair loss?

Creatine can cause water retention, which increases the chances of temporary weight gain. The leading research in the United States shows that water retention can cause problems like dehydration. Which may be a concern for many creatine users.

2: Kidney concerns: Does creatine cause hair loss?

There is a concern over the issue that creatine can cause kidney failure and other related problems. However, as in the article Does Creatine cause hair loss, experts haven’t found any data that supports such kind of claims.

If you face any type of problem related to creatine that is causing damage to your kidney, then please consult your doctor and stop taking the supplements immediately.

3: Safe for adults: Does creatine cause hair loss?

In the article, does creatine cause hair loss we have guided you on a lot of information related to creatine, its usage, problems that you will face while using creatine, and more other? However, is creatine really safe for adults, the answer to this question is that overuse of anything can be problematic. However, if used accordingly or as prescribed by your doctor then it is really safe to use for adults.

Moreover, according to a recent survey, it has been proven that the users reported using creatine as safe, effective, and ethical. Also, there are no side effects of such supplements, and it’s quite safe to use under the prescribed circumstances or as told by your doctor.

Side effects of creatine


To conclude this article, I would like to share that I obtained the information from various sources which are proven and based on scientific data. We discussed and addressed certain myths related to creatine supplements, such as the creatine hair loss myth, on purely logical and scientific bases. Although the use of creatine has its importance and role.

Moreover, the problem related to hair loss when it comes to the usage of creatine supplements is dramatic. Because there are no scientific data or research-proven information available on such a topic. The research shows that using creatine can cause an increase in the DHT which is a hormone related to hair loss. However, there is no evidence on either using these supplements can actually cause hair loss.

Moreover, no evidence is available on hair loss-related problems as discussed above. However, if you face any symptoms that are causing hair loss after using the supplements. Then stop these supplements immediately and consult your doctor.

There is treatment available for different types of hair loss, your doctor can best prescribe the treatment, supplements, and medicines for stopping any kind of issue related to hair loss. Moreover, after completing your treatment you can also ask your doctor whether you can use the creatine supplements in the future. so you can get better help from such supplements in using it for your exercise or daily base activities.   

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